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What Babies Learn in the Womb

Posted by Valerie Sterling on

What Babies Learn in the Womb

Babies are amazing and they're born with a lot of innate knowledge. They know how to be a baby and they are able to pick up on the mom's mood, body language, and loud speaking tone. What babies learn before birth is really important for parents. In fact, it can help them better understand their babies and even guide treatment for common issues like reflux or colic.

Your baby is learning the most important things at birth: how to breathe, hear, see and taste. They'll also master the skills necessary to survive outside the womb. In fact, babies are born with an inborn instinct that tells them when it's time for them to be born — even if they haven't experienced any pain or discomfort during pregnancy.

Babies don't just start to learn the things we know about the world once they're born. They start to learn them when they're still in the womb, and there's a lot of evidence that babies are born with an innate curiosity about the world.

For example, babies will stare at your face for as long as you stare back at them. This is known as mutual gazing and is quite common among humans. It helps babies figure out what they look like — not just their own features but also those of other people.

Your Favorite Flavors & Other Food-Related Lessons

The flavors of your food enter the amniotic fluid your baby swallows when you eat while you are pregnant. According to numerous studies, when kids first start eating solids, they favor the flavors they experienced in the womb.

The health of a mother's unborn child may be impacted by her diet during pregnancy. Those whose mothers were unable to eat enough at the start of pregnancy were born with changed DNA that made them more prone to obesity, diabetes, and heart disease, according to research

Sense of Smell

A baby's nose is incredibly sensitive to smells, allowing them to taste and identify food items early in development. Some doctors have noticed that, at birth, amniotic fluid sometimes carries the scent of spices that a mother has eaten while pregnant. Within the first few days they will show a preference for the smell of their own mother, especially to her breast milk. Many studies have shown that if a mother washes just one breast right after giving birth, the baby will prefer to nurse at the other, unwashed breast. Some doctors advise new mothers not to shower until after the first feeding in order to allow their natural aroma to help establish breastfeeding.

The Sound of Mom’s voice and Music

Around 24 weeks into your pregnancy, your baby's hearing begins to develop, and your voice is the first sound he picks up. Newborns are capable of recognizing their mother's voice, according to a well-known study and this learning strengthens your baby's link with you.

Using your phone and the Womb Music Bluetooth Belly Speaker you can easily talk to your baby in the womb. Use an app called "Mic to Speaker" which lets you speak into your phone which is connected by Bluetooth to the belly speaker.

Did you know that talking to and playing music for your baby while in the womb stimulates all areas of child development? Sharing music and soothing sounds with your baby can help them thrive throughout life.

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